Hello All,
It has been a few days I admit - work is busy and it isn't always easy to find time to upload my thoughts. In fact, I won't lie to you - these thoughts came from last week, I've been pretty slack at reading my bible too! Although, I did get a chance this morning but these notes seemed better to share with you. So there are two scripture for you to feast on today..
Esther 8 v 10 " who rode fast horses especially bred for the king"
When the king issued his next order saving the Jews he did it with urgency and speed. Don't you just love that, there wasn't a moment to lose in saving his people. He sent his fastest horses. Now it's not that I believe God ever has to rush anything - he is meant to have it all planned out.
Although the thought of him rushing around in heaven trying organise something that he's forgotten to do somewhat amuses me. Like a manic party planning on the eve of the do in a mad rush.
But anyway I digress... The point is that God will rescue us and not at a sluggish pace just when he can be bothered but, he will come on his fastest and strongest horses, spurred on to save us.
And the next thought.....
Esther 8 v 17 "and many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them"
I have often thought of the Dangerous Bride being an Army for God. Powerful, strong and a force that Satan should be terrified of. WOOP WOOP! Take that Satan!!! This line suggests that people became Jews because they feared them. It interests me that people aren't really scared of Christians - I don't want them to be - but what if the Dangerous Bride became a strong unified group of women who performed miracles as the Holy Spirit moved through them healing and rescuing. So powerful that people joined us because of the strength and power of God we demonstrated? I want to advance Gods kingdom - do I mind if people come to God through fear? Is that right? I'm not sure - he should be feared as a father who disciplines his children but he is a loving God who is always good.
Always welcome you're thoughts and comments to my posts even if you completely disagree with me.....
Much love Rach xx