Tuesday, 25 October 2011

That one thing.

Morning all,

Esther 5 v 13 "But all this gives me no satisfaction as long as I see that Jew Mordecai sitting at the king's gate"

So to give the background to today's scripture, Haman is all very happy because he's rich and honored by the king and been invited as the Queens special banquet with the king BUT he isn't happy because Mordecai sits in protest at the gate and refuses to bow to him.

What's your one thing? I had a revelation last week.... I do have them occasionally.... every New Year I say this year is going to be my year, and at the end of every year I look back and see the stuff that happened and think we'll this blantantly wasn't it!  But why?  Because if I am honest some amazing things happen in each of those years.  The bible teaches us to be content with what we have - so what am I waiting for?  I think for most of us like Haman there is just that one thing and we think that when we have it that'll complete the picture. 

So what is my thing...
Ok - I know it's a husband!  Like most girls, I seem to think that my life will be sorted once I have bimbled down the aisle! But, worse than this - having done it once before and then got the divorce - I know that this isn't the case.  I know that my life won't be magically sorted - life won't feel complete and once I am married it'll be the next thing that will be the one thing, like babies.... 

Life is a series of us wanting stuff and things, so learn today that it isn't about getting that one thing, because after that there will be another thing, and after that another thing.  Also - you may never get that one thing....

God is amazing and has amazing plans and jobs for us, but we need to see what is before our very eyes rather than craving what we don't have.  The grass is always greener on the other side when you look at it, but once you are on the other side the grass that side still needs cutting!

Prayers for my mum please who has had to go into hospital with a bad back.  :-(

Monday, 24 October 2011

There is always a choice - just not always the one you want!

Esther 4 v 16 "... And if I perish, I perish"

When Esther found out about the decree to kill all of the Jews from Mordecai, she initially thought 'they don't know that I'm a Jew so I'm ok.  I won't be slaughtered and there is nothing I can do because I can't go into the kings presence without being summoned'. Mordecai was quick to remind her that God's people would be saved with or without her (his faith was strong), and that if she didn't help, her father's family would all perish.  He also reminded her that she had become Queen at this just time - surely that was for a purpose!

So she had a choice - to do the right thing and risk being killed or to sit back and watch thousand others perish.

I am reminded of a line from this weeks Merlin drama on BBC "when the way ahead seems impossible that is the way".  I appreciate that it is not the most biblical of references but I am a firm believer that God can speak through many things and the medium of TV is one of them for me.

The lesson is that even when it doesn't look like you can go that way or make that choice, remember that God has gone before us and made the route.  Even if to our human eyes we can't see the route, with God he will guide us.  But the proviso is doing the right thing.

How often do you hear "I had no choice, but to do this".  I have come realise that there is always a choice.  It is how you view the choice; many times you may not feel like you only have one choice because the other is so horrific! I'm going to use a nasty example here just to illustrate - you are driving along and a small child runs out into the middle of the road, you hit them and they are lying in the middle of the road dying - you have a choice to get out of the car and save the childs life or drive off and save yourself.   To me there doesn't appear to be a choice - I have to save the child but others might save themselvess.  The point is there is always a choice.  To eat the cake or not eat the cake.  To get to work on time or to be late.  it is your choice. 

You may not feel like doing the right choice and your reasoning is that you are too weak to travel that route but if it is God's will you will be victorious

One of the songs at church this week said "he chose the cross". Jesus didn't want to go to the cross, he still had to make the choice to be obedient to God.  But you say "he was Jesus - so that makes it different".  Yes, but he was man, he suffered with the flesh just like us.  His flesh didn't want to die.  But he chose to make a way for us and that meant sacrificing himself. 

What choice are you faced with that you don't like the options for? Is God telling you his way is your least preferred option?  I find when I am faced with a choice that I don't like I will agonise for days/weeks/months and yes - even years over it.  It isn't that the choice is difficult it is that I don't like the way God is telling me to go.  I have found that once I have made the choice - even if the road is a little rough - I am given peace over the situation. 

Give yourself some peace and make the right choice - I know that God will be there walking it with you.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Knowing what is coming...

Esther 3 v 13 "dispatches were sent by couriers to all the kings provinces with the order to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews - young and old, women and little children - on a single day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month. "

We've been talking a lot about suffering in church recently, in particular how Jesus suffered on the cross for you and me. Jesus knew what was coming, he knew how and when he was going to die.  This passage struck me - imagine if one day you recieved a note from your local council through your door saying on this day you will all be killed and your goods taken.

Blimey - I'm not sure about you but my initial reaction to this was complete fear!  I'd probably find somewhere to try and hide.  I'd do anything to not be killed.  But Mordecai, the CRAZY FOOL, puts on a sackcloth and covers himself in ash and parades around the town outside the palace wailing and mourning.  He was standing up for a greater purpose, for God, he had faith and knew that there was purpose in everything.  He knew that Esther might be able to help so he paraded around to get her attention and try and save the Jews!  Would you risk yourself for a greater purpose?

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Asking for more...

Morning All,

So I have decided to work through Esther, I'm trying to put together some teachings that I could aspire to giving one day.  There aren't many books focusing on women in the bible, so I always love reading them. Just to remind me how awesome we are and how awesome God thinks we are!

Esther 2 v 15 "... She asked for nothing more than what Hegai ... suggested"

Imagine the scenario, you're being looked after by your uncle becasue youre parents are dead.  The the king says all the pretty girls have to come and woo me!  Esther was in a horrid situation. Hiding who she really was, a Jew.  Ok forget the fact that she was living in a palace and being subjected to full pampering for an entire year in preparation for meeting the King (It must have been a hard life!).  But really it wasn't her choice and possibly not at all what she wanted.  I don't know what the King was like - he could have been positively disgusting!
When it came to moving into the palace to meet the king she could have had anything she wanted but (and this is the key bit) she only took what was suggested.

We have a consumer attitude - we always want more for less! The Lord of Lords, our Saviour has given us everything.  God gives us everything we need yet we can be perpetually unhappy because there is always something that we want that we don't have. We need to start realising that we don't need it - if we did God would have given it to us!!!

Blimey! This applies everywhere in my life . I look at my prayer list and it is a list of wants! Money, husband, blah, blah, blah.... Ok it isn't all that bad, I pray for other stuff too! But I often wish I had more; when I know I should be satisfied and be able to cope with what I have.

Lord, I pray that you will help me be joyful and satisfied with what I have, not wanting more. You are a Father that provides and I thank you that I will never need for anything apart from more of you! Amen

Monday, 17 October 2011

SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer)

Good Morning All,

So, one of the things I started doing a long time a go (and then it fell by the way side), was sharing my bible verse of the day via email with a lot of the women at church.  It was actually inspired by something I did with my mum (hi mum - she's my first follower - love you)! We did "Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren" together and because we don't live very close we shared our daily thoughts by email.  It was really wonderful and I saw a completely different side of my mum. 

Anyway to get back to what I was talking about SOAP! SOAP is a method of reading the bible that I learnt from my pastor and it really revolutionised the way I read my bible and applied it to my life.  Here's a link on how to do it.   Part of the reason for starting this blog was to reinvigorate my daily bible reading and sharing like before but instead of filling up people's inbox - I would open it up to a wider audience.  So here goes today's.....

Title - Drink in your own way!

Scripture -
Esther 1 v 8 "By the King's command each guest was allowed to drink in his own way"

Observation -
So the context of all of this is that The king is throwing a massive shin-dig before going to war to show how strong, wealthy and powerful he is.  Essentially it is all about gaining popularity.  Normally at a banquet, the king controls everyone's drinking and what and how much they can consume.  But here the kings instruction is to serve the people what they wanted and allow them to drink in their own way.  What his motivation for doing this was I have no idea - at a guess I would assume it was to make him look like a generous person and someone who put his people first?!?

But what I really like about this scripture and what jumped out at me was the turn of phrase - it isn't the same in all NIV versions.  "To drink in his own way" - it reminded me of all of the phrases about how Jesus gives us water when we are thirsty, how we should turn to him when we are in need.  But most importantly, it is that it doesn't matter how someone drinks from God.  We can all drink in our own way! One church method or denomination isn't right or wrong (providing they believe in Jesus as the Son of God, etc... but we won't have that debate today).

Application - What does this mean to me? I suppose it is easy to think that someone isn't worshipping or praying or spending as much time with God if they do it in a different way.  We question what we aren't familiar with.  But also it raises the question of how equally do we treat people - racism! Someone said to me on Sunday bullying isn't just being nasty to someone, excluding them intentionally is also bullying.  That was a bit of a "God Slap" for me because I know I do that!

Prayer - Lord help me not to exclude people or de-value them because they don't see the world in the same way as me! Help me be including in all that I do, to show your love to the world in the right way. Amen.  

Friday, 14 October 2011

Small Beginnings

So as I watched another snippet of Joyce Meyer this morning, I was reminded again of patience and pride.  When I first had my vision of the Dangerous Bride Ministry we held a couple of events, every time I was disappointed that some people hadn't come.  I felt like I had put so much into each event and yet only a small number from my church came.

It wasn't that God had moved massively at each of the events because he had each time, but I just wanted more women to engage with the ministry and essentially I wanted to leap frog to the bigger and better worldwide stuff immediately.

BUT WHO WAS I TO THINK I DESERVED THAT! My pride meant that I failed to see and praise what God had done and focused only on what I wanted to happen but didn't!  I was a proud fool, thinking that I deserved something.

In our culture it is so easy to fall into this "I have a right to..." attitude, children today are taught that they deserve everything and have to earn very little.  As a result, people fail to see the value of things.

God has taught me that I deserve nothing, but his grace and mercy lavish me with gifts and more than I deserve! His own son died that I might live, that I might be free from the grips of death and sin.  Everything that I have is a gift from God, I deserve nothing.

So today I learnt that I should have treasured the small beginnings of the Dangerous Bride and that if an event only has one person come to it, but that one person is touched for just one second by God's love then it is worth it.   I now look forward to treasuring where we are now.

"...we know that suffering produces perserverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."  Romans 5v3-4

Rach xx

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Who I am....

So let me introduce myself...

My name is Rachel and I am a Christian.  A year or so a go I have a calling and a vision to create a Womens Ministry within my church (Solent Community Church), the vision pushed the ministry into the surrounding area, other churches, across the country and then the world.  It was one amazing vision!!!!  My Elder had already had a heart for a women's ministry in the church but at the time needed someone to help the plan come into fruition.  My idea was to use this blog to show the story of its birth, for encouragement for others, for prayer requests from me, and lots of other stuff.....

This morning I was watching Joyce Meyer, and she spoke about perseverance and not giving up.  As most of us experience when we get a vision or an idea we jump in with both feet and try to make it all happen. I am so like this! I was all for the women's ministry and had all these ideas - some we started straight away others, we waited but then about 6 months ago I fell flat on my face and pretty much gave it all up.

But how do you give up a calling?  You can't - not really, not without it eating up your insides.  The Holy Spirit is an amazing and powerful creation. So here I am again, starting again, more aware of my limitations and weaknesses and gifts ready to push this vision forward.

We have a wonderful team of girls on our ministry, with such amazing gifts and I am looking forward to the journey.

"He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him." Psalm 91:15