Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Asking for more...

Morning All,

So I have decided to work through Esther, I'm trying to put together some teachings that I could aspire to giving one day.  There aren't many books focusing on women in the bible, so I always love reading them. Just to remind me how awesome we are and how awesome God thinks we are!

Esther 2 v 15 "... She asked for nothing more than what Hegai ... suggested"

Imagine the scenario, you're being looked after by your uncle becasue youre parents are dead.  The the king says all the pretty girls have to come and woo me!  Esther was in a horrid situation. Hiding who she really was, a Jew.  Ok forget the fact that she was living in a palace and being subjected to full pampering for an entire year in preparation for meeting the King (It must have been a hard life!).  But really it wasn't her choice and possibly not at all what she wanted.  I don't know what the King was like - he could have been positively disgusting!
When it came to moving into the palace to meet the king she could have had anything she wanted but (and this is the key bit) she only took what was suggested.

We have a consumer attitude - we always want more for less! The Lord of Lords, our Saviour has given us everything.  God gives us everything we need yet we can be perpetually unhappy because there is always something that we want that we don't have. We need to start realising that we don't need it - if we did God would have given it to us!!!

Blimey! This applies everywhere in my life . I look at my prayer list and it is a list of wants! Money, husband, blah, blah, blah.... Ok it isn't all that bad, I pray for other stuff too! But I often wish I had more; when I know I should be satisfied and be able to cope with what I have.

Lord, I pray that you will help me be joyful and satisfied with what I have, not wanting more. You are a Father that provides and I thank you that I will never need for anything apart from more of you! Amen

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